Thursday, May 30, 2013

What You Can Still Get For Free on Flights

With all of the extra fees that are being tacked onto booking air travel, there are still some free things you can get. Here’s a list:


Sanitizing wipes

The whole can (ask politely)

Wing Pins for kids

Basic Medicines and Bandages

Water-Bottle refill

Help finding a doctor

Seconds (wait until the flight attendants have made their first pass before requesting more tiny pretzels.)

Help switching seats

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Be an Organized Executive Traveler

If you ever wonder why some of your road warrior colleagues seem to sail through business trips, and return to the office looking refreshed, it isn’t because they have an elusive gene that makes them impervious to feelings of burnout or exhaustion. More likely, they’ve mastered the art of how to organize their itineraries, time, and luggage optimally for executive travel. The most effective business travelers are typically highly organized and focused.We’ve curated some of our favorite organization tips to make your next travel assignment less of a nightmare and more of a breeze:

1. Become a Checklist Person

If you aren’t a checklist person, it’s probably time to become one for the sake of preparation for your next executive travel. Make a list well in advance of your trip, and put items on your calendar if you have any errands to run or paperwork to get in order before you leave. If you’re traveling internationally, it’s prudent to start preparations much further ahead. If your organizational center is your smartphone or tablet, consider an App that’s designed with a highly flexible format so you can customize items and deadlines according to your needs.

2. Take a Copy of Your Itinerary

If anything goes awry on the road, you never want to waste precious time sorting through your work email to find reservations or trying to call the corporate travel department at the home office to retrieve information. If your organization doesn’t prepare your itineraries, take the time to make your own. Compile information in an app so your limo service, flight, and hotel information is just a few clicks away. If you’ll be traveling internationally or taking long flights, it’s likely wise to take a printed copy in a clear, plastic protective sleeve in case you lose power or connectivity.

3. Become a Packing Master

Packing is a pain point for travelers. Let’s be honest, very few of us actually enjoy the process of engineering the perfect suitcase or carry-on bag. Travelers are often advised to approach their road wardrobe in terms of layers, so they’ll be well-prepared for a variety of weather situations. Think of packing your luggage in the same terms, to both streamline your journey through the security line and speed your unpacking once you reach the hotel. Layer heaviest items on the bottom, and lighter clothes on top to minimize the possibility you’ll have to iron anything. Place anything that will need to be removed at security, including liquids and electronics at the top of your carry-on to prevent digging before the body scanners.

4. Bring a Keep-All

It’s inevitable that you’ll receive paper itineraries on the road, and you’ll need something to keep your ticket stubs and passport organized, too. Bring a clear, plastic organizer that can be easily slipped into your carry-on and briefcase to keep papers flat and unwrinkled.

5. Leave Your Plans With Someone

If your company doesn’t actively track employees on the road, make sure to leave a copy of your itinerary with a trusted loved one in case of the worst. If you’re headed to a high-risk destination, it’s likely wise to go ahead and leave an extra copy with colleagues, too. Avoid posting your plans on social media, and depending on your position and whether you post publicly, it could be prudent to avoid sharing any details until you return.

6. Have Offline Work Prepared

It’s wise to prepare yourself for any unexpected periods offline. You may choose to bring work reading material, a printed document that needs to be reviewed, or other papers to sign. You’ll be glad to keep busy in case of the unexpected.

7. Unpack Immediately

Even, and especially, if you have another upcoming business trip, unpack your suitcase as soon as you get home. It’s probably the last thing you feel like doing, but you’ll be glad when you don’t have to deal with your luggage the next day. The last situation you want to be dealing with is unpacking and packing simultaneously, which could be a recipe for leaving things behind


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Remedies for Common Travel Related Ailments

Remedies for Common Travel Related Ailments
From Yahoo! Travel

Jet Lag

Jet lag, which occurs when your sleep-wake cycle is disrupted by a flight across multiple time zones, can ruin you for the first few days of your vacation.

On flights, Dr. Brainard suggests using Miers Laboratory No-Jet-Lag, a blend of five homeopathic remedies that she calls "safe, easy to take, and proven effective in tests." She also recommends melatonin. "Melatonin is the hormone our bodies make to regulate the sleep-wake cycle—taking extra in a supplement form may help to reset the cycle disrupted by jet lag."

Travel Anxiety

Travel is one of life's greatest thrills, but for most people it also comes with its share of stresses. Travel anxiety can really take you out of the moment, and since you want to enjoy every minute of vacation, it's an affliction worth treating.

Dr. Brainard suggests L-Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea that "supports mental calmness and relaxation by increasing dopamine and GABA in the brain. … without any drowsiness." She also recommends kava kava, a popular ceremonial drink in Polynesia that "supports relaxation from tension, encourages a sense of well-being, and promotes relaxation of nerves and muscles," all without disturbing mental clarity.

Motion Sickness

PSI bands. For motion-sensitive travelers, Dr. Brainard recommends PSI bands, "adjustable wristbands that apply acupressure to help relieve the symptoms of nausea and vomiting." She also suggests traveling with a concentrated-peppermint product, such as Pharmaca Peppermint Spirits or Herb Pharm Breath Tonic, and taking vitamin B6 or homeopathic Gelsemium Sempervire 30C by Boiron, both of which are known to relieve motion sickness. Dr. Hurley adds that ginger chews or ginger tea can also be helpful.

Traveler's Digestive Issues

With so much new input during travel, the microbial balance in the digestive tract can be easily disturbed. Dr. Brainard says, "It's important to plan ahead and supplement with probiotics to give the immune and digestive tract a head start." She suggests starting a good probiotic (such as Jarrow Formulas' Jarro-Dophilus EPS, which doesn't require refrigeration) a few weeks before leaving "to build up healthy colonies of friendly flora."

And you can't go wrong, says Dr. Brainard, sticking to bottled water from a trusted source and making sure to wash your hands frequently. If you are hit with digestive issues while traveling, try UrgentRx Upset-Stomach Relief. These pocket-sized packets are easy to transport and can be taken with or without water.
New foods, unfamiliar water, and schedule changes can wreak havoc on the digestive tract. When mild discomfort does strike, Dr. Brainard suggests keeping Pharmaca Chewable Papaya Enzymes on hand to "promote healthy digestion by breaking down carbohydrates and proteins." If you're headed to a place where the food may present a greater challenge to your digestive tract, Dr. Brainard recommends digestive enzymes such as MegaZymes by MegaFood or Complete Digestion by Enzyme Science. And if you're struck with food poisoning, Dr. Brainard says Peaceful Mountain Stomach Rescue is "an all-natural, simple formula of elemental silver and peppermint to kill bad bacteria and soothe an upset tummy from food poisoning."



When choosing a sunscreen Dr. Brainard says that "it's vital to always choose a broad-spectrum product that protects against both UVA and UVB rays." Sun-protection factor (SPF) ratings measure only UVB rays, which are largely responsible for both burns and skin cancer, but it's important to protect against UVA rays as well, since they "penetrate deeper and are responsible for premature aging and wrinkling of the skin." Of the more natural sunscreen brands on the market, Dr. Brainard recommends Sanitas, Eco Logical Skin Care, Kiss My Face, Badger, La Roche Posay, and Alba Botanica products.

Treatment can't fix a sunburn, but it can offer some soothing relief. Dr. Brainard recommends All Terrain Aloe Skin Repair with healing herbs or Boiron Calendula Lotion. She also notes that rehydrating after being out in the sun all day is important, and she suggests coconut water as a good way to get more electrolytes than with water alone.

Sleep Problems

Sleep problems can turn a good vacation bad overnight. Luckily, there are a number of natural options for improving sleep. At the most basic level, you can try an eye mask and earplugs to block out stimuli. Dr. Brainard recommends a magnesium supplement before bed to "promote relaxation and calmness." For more stubborn sleep issues, she suggests Herb Pharm Relaxing Sleep Tonic, an "herbal blend with valerian, sold in a small one-ounce size convenient for travel."

Sore or Tight Muscles

Aching muscles everywhere prove that airplane seats were not designed with comfort in mind. If your destination has a bathtub, Dr. Brainard recommends getting into a warm bath full of Epsom salts to help relax your muscles. Another effective treatment is arnica (in homeopathic-tablet or topical-cream form), since it "helps to relieve stiffness, swelling, bumps, bruises, trauma, and inflammation. Arnica is nondrowsy, has no side effects, and is safe to use with other medications and with children."

Insect Bites and Stings

Bugs have impeccable taste in vacation destinations. They love beaches, nature, and beautiful sunsets. Dr. Brainard recommends WishGarden Catnip-Oil Bug Spray as an alternative to DEET-based toxic bug sprays. According to Dr. Brainard, "Recent research from Iowa State University shows that catnip oil has produced the best results over other essential oils for bug protection."

And if you're one of those people who seems to get mosquito bites no matter what you apply to your skin, Dr. Brainard suggests taking vitamin B1(thiamine) starting about two weeks before your departure to buggier climes. "Thiamine is believed to help repel bugs by creating an odor undetected by humans that bugs are repelled by," she explains.

Scrapes and Bruises
Dr. Brainard suggests arnica for scrapes and bruises (and since it's also a great option for sore muscles, it really earns its place in any suitcase). She also likes tea-tree oil as a natural first-aid antiseptic alternative. She also suggests Herb Pharm Original Salve, a "soothing topical skin salve made with organic herbs and olive oil and wild-crafted beeswax." She says, "I use this salve for just about everything that needs soothing or moisture, including chapped lips and hangnails."

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Tom Bradley International Terminal--New and Improved

Here's something we swiped from the LAX website:

LAneXt - Future of LAX Unveils in 2013

The new Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT) will provide greater capacity to the current Tom Bradley International Terminal's west side with the addition of 18 new gates to accommodate new-generation aircraft and a Great Hall for dining, retail shopping and passenger amenities beyond passenger security screening The new TBIT is considered to be the biggest public works project in the history of the City of Los Angeles. The $1.545 billion project is expected to create 40,000 construction-related jobs during the four-year project schedule.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

LAX Museum

·         Did you know LAX has a museum? More than 100 years of Southern California’s aviation history is showcased in a permanent art and memorabilia exhibition at the Flight Path Museum and Learning Center, located at the LAX Imperial Terminal. The collection features an original DC-3 aircraft, historic photos, murals, aircraft models and a variety of aviation items. It also offers flight simulator training and competitive scholarships for students pursuing aviation-related careers. Flight Path is open to the public Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and admission is free! For more details, visit